Purchasing Supplies and Equipment
Ordering Classroom & Office Supplies
Ordering Classroom & Office Supplies![]()
Your Guides on How To Enter Requisitions in Escape
Palace Contact Info: Email: joannem@gopalace.com, Phone: 831-476-3815, Fax: 831-713-1821
Palace Order Forms are no longer being used. All orders must be entered on the Palace website . For those sites still using the order form internally for your teachers to place their order with the office, you can print out copies of the favorites list, and use those for your teachers to place order to you. The quantity will default to 1, but you can either white out the quantites, and make copies, or have your teachers use a red pen to write over the 1 for the quantity they actually need.
How to Print the Favorites List:
Log on to the shopping website
On the top toolbar under "favorites" select PVUSD order form from the drop down menu
Once the form populates, click on the printer icon top right
Select print with images or without (recommend w/o= smaller form)
Home Depot: In order to purchase items on a Home Depot Blanket PO, or pick up items on an Itemized PO, you must have a copy of the PO in hand, your name must be listed as an authorized user on the PO, and you must complete the form below 1x to be added as an Authorized Buyer on the PVUSD/Home Depot account.
Technology Equipment, Supplies, Software
Technology Equipment, Supplies, Software![]()
Technology Cost Calculator
Technology and The Purchasing Department have worked together to provide you with approved/recommended technology equipment. Please use the Tech Cost Calculator in the link below to help you create orders, and budget your money.
Apple Computer K-12 Educational Price List
Apple Computer Inc is the sole provider for all Apple products provided to the District. In order to receive our Educational Discounts, we need to purchase our items directly from Apple Computer Inc (not the Apple Store)
You can can find the District recommended Apple Products on the Technology Cost Calculator, or you can check out the link below for current Apple Education prices.
B&H Photo Website
B&H Photo offers competitive prices on photo and video equipment, along with most technology items, from Computer accessors to TV's.
CDWG Premium Page
CDWG offers special pricing to PVUSD. You can click on the link below to set up an account to view PUVSD prices, or find items you might be shopping for. You can also find many items on the Technology Cost Calculator such as Laptops, and Desk tops, that we purchase from CDWG.
Monterey Bay Systems (MBS) holds our current contract for PVUSD copiers. You can view their pricing in the link below. If you need help purchasing a copier, or replacing an existing one, please reach out to The Purchasing Department. purchasing_help@pvusd.net.
Contract# #21NJPA13616 #030321-KON
Warehouse Contact Information:
Mark Healy-Lead Warehouseman
Phone: 831-786-2320
Fax: 831-786-9532
Other Purchasing Resources
Other Purchasing Resources![]()
Blanket PO Tracker
It is the sites responsibilty to keep track of the spending on any Blanket PO assigned to your site. If your Blanket PO says you are approved to spend $5000, then you should not be spending more than what is alloted on the BPO. If you do not have enought money left on the BPO, do not place your order. Get a new Blanket PO in place prior to purchasing.
The link to the template below will help your site keep track of how much money has been spent on your BPO's. This help keep you from overspending, and also let you know when you need to create a new BPO if you are running out of money.
Business Cards
Catalog Discounts
This is a list of Vendors who participate in our Catalog Discount RFQ and the discount that PVUSD received off their catalog prices
D'La Colmena Catering
D'La Colmena requires this order form template be used when placing food orders agaisnt a PO/BPO. No phone in orders, they must be emailed to: DLACOLMENACATERING@GMAIL.COM
Food Vendors in Escape & Food Truck Info
Reconciling Orders
Where to Buy Stuff
Sites and Departments are encouraged to suggest vendors and get quotes for non-standard products. The Puchasing Department will consider these suggestions when processing your requisition, but may change vendors if it is to the District’s benefit.
You may use one of the following websites or catalogs to get pricing for non-standard products. If you use a vendor not listed, please make sure that they accept Purchase Orders prior to creating your Requisition in Escape. Include the vendor name and a complete description (make, model, mfg#, color etc...) of product on your Requisition. The Purchasing Department may send a Request For Quote (RFQ) out to a variety of vendors (including those not on this list) to get the best pricing.
If you still need help, please contact us at purchasing_help@pvusd.net, or call our main line 831-786-2195