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Meet your Board Members

Meet your Board Members

PVUSD Board of Trustees July 2023
Adam Scow (TA VI); Olivia Flores (TA V); Georgia Acosta (TA II); Murry Schekman (Former Interim Superintendent); Dr. Jennifer Holm (TA VII); Kimberly De Serpa (TA I); Oscar Soto (TA III).  
Not pictured: Dr. Heather Contreras, Daniel Dodge Jr. (TA IV),  Ruby Romero-Maya (Student Trustee)
2024: Board President - Georgia Acosta
Vice President/Clerk - Oscar Soto
The (PVUSD) Board of Trustees holds regular Board meetings twice a month, although there are some exceptions, so please be sure to check our meeting schedule. Meetings are held on Wednesday evenings; closed session begins at 6:00 pm and public session at 7:00pm for most meetings.  Additional special meetings and study sessions may be added throughout the year.
La Mesa Directiva (PVUSD) tiene reuniones regulares de la dos veces al mes, aunque hay algunas excepciones, así que asegúrese de consultar nuestro calendario de reuniones. Las reuniones se llevan a cabo los miércoles por la noche; la sesión cerrada comienza a las 6:00 pm y la sesión pública a las 7:00 pm para la mayoría de las reuniones.  . Se pueden agregar reuniones especiales adicionales y sesiones de estudio durante todo el año.
If you have any questions about these meetings, please contact the Office of the Superintendent.
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre estas reuniones, comuníquese con la Oficina de la Superintendente.


Georgia Acosta

Georgia Acosta

Board President
Term ends: 2024
Trustee Area II
Eastern portion of PVUSD, including Salsipuedes
Ph: 831 228-2858
Georgia Acosta
Kim De Serpa

Kim De Serpa

Board Trustee
Term ends: 2026
Trustee Area I
Northern portion of PVUSD:
Corralitos and more than
half of Aptos area
Ph: 831 588-7388
Kim De Serpa
Olivia Flores

Olivia Flores

Board Trustee
Term ends: 2026
Trustee Area V
Northwestern Watsonville
and some outer lying areas
Ph: 831 228-1284
Olivia Flores, PVUSD Board Trustee
Jennifer Holm

Jennifer Holm

Board Trustee
Term ends: 2026
Trustee Area VII
Central Coast area:
La Selva Beach and
Rio Del Mar areas
Ph: 831 251-5012
Woman outdoors in professional clothes
Oscar Soto

Oscar Soto

Board Vice President/Clerk
Term ends: 2024
Trustee Area III
North Monterey County
area and the southwestern
area of Watsonville out to  the coastline
Ph: 831 786-2135
Oscar Soto
Daniel Dodge Jr. 

Daniel Dodge Jr. 

Board Trustee
Term ends: 2026
Trustee Area IV
Watsonville and some
outlying areas
Ph: 831 786-2135
Daniel Dodge Jr.
Adam Bolaños Scow

Adam Bolaños Scow

Board Trustee
Term ends: 2024

Trustee Area VI
Freedom Area
Adam Scow, PVUSD Board Trustee
Ruby Romero-Maya

Ruby Romero-Maya

Student Trustee (2023-2024), PVHS
Term ends: End of the 2023-24 school year
Represents aa students
PVUSD Student Trustee Ruby Romero Maya