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Personnel Commission - Classified



The Personnel Commission for the Pajaro Valley Unified School District was established to administer a merit system for the classified employees as provided in Education Code Sections 45240-45320. The Merit System is based on this principle: employment and promotion based on merit to obtain the highest efficiency and assure the selection and retention of the best-qualified persons in the service of the Pajaro Valley Unified School District.
The Personnel Commission is responsible for recruitment, examination and selection activities, classification of positions, salary recommendations, disciplinary and dismissal appeal hearings, and the development and administration of Merit Rules. It is an independent body composed of three persons appointed for three-year staggered terms. The Governing Board of Education selects one commissioner; one commissioner is chosen by the classified collective bargaining employee unit, and one commissioner is determined by the other two commissioners. Each commissioner serves a three-year term, with one commissioner's term expiring each year. The Personnel Commission is subject to the provisions of the Brown Act as to conducting business as a public agency.
The Personnel Commission is a member of the California School Personnel Commissioners Association (CSPCA) and the Personnel Commissioners Association of Northern California (SPCA-NC).
Catharine Griffen
Classified Employees' Appointee - Chairperson
Elvia Torres -Vice Chairperson
Joint Appointee
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Personnel Commission Staff

Personnel Commission Staff

Pam Shanks, Director
Mary Lou Masters, HR Analyst
Karina Rangel, HR Analyst
Liz Mejia, HR Analyst
Ana Delgadillo, HR Specialist
Elizabeth Orozco, HR Technician

Personnel Commissioners' Scholarship 2025 in memory of Mary Ann Gomez