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Assessment and Accountability

Application links

Application links

Program Evaluation

Program Evaluation

     The Program Evaluation Department coordinates a range of assessment and evaluation projects including: oversight of the distribution, administration, collection, and security of all state and district assessment; the School Accountability Report Cards (SARC), and Report of Progress (report cards). The department manages and supports the implementation of the district's assessment database. To help facilitate informed decision-making the Program Evaluation Department analyzes, interprets, and disseminates student achievement results to schools, district office staff, and the community.

Application to Conduct Research

     The Assessment & Accountability branch of Education Services oversees the grant and research application process.  Researchers seeking to conduct research in the district must complete the applicable forms listed below.  Submission instructions are provided in Application to Conduct Research Guidelines.  Completion of Forms 1-4 required for consideration.  Failure to provide complete documentation or clear project prospectus will lead to request denial.  
   Staff contacts

   Staff contacts

Josh Phillips
Coordinator or Research, Assessment & Accountablilty
(831)786-2100 X2577

Jose Anaya

Applications Analyst

(831)786-2100 X2906

Delilah Macedo
Assessment Specialist
(831)728-2100 X2971
Diana Martinez
Assessment Specialist
(831)786-2100 X2970
Rose Kajisa 
Testing Technician 2
(831)786-2100 X6745