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PVUSD Network User Accounts
PVUSD Network User Accounts
All PVUSD employees can receive or update a network/e-mail account by the following procedures. The accounts are given only to permanent employees and long-term substitutes working with the district. All long-term substitute accounts will expire at the end of their working term.
- The Employee must fill out the District Computer Network User Information Form (pdf) and a Staff AUP. SEND TO HUMAN RESOURCES AS STATED ON FORMS.
- The Human Resources department collects and files the completed forms.
- The HR department will keep the original AUP and send the verified User Information form to the Technology Department.
- The Technology Department creates the new user account with the required permissions.
- Site Technology Liaisons and/or Office Managers will be sent the details of the new account once it is created to be passed on to the user.
If an employee changes sites, jobs, or wants to make changes to their personal information in the district database, then:
Complete the First two tables at the top portion on the Network User Information Form (pdf) SEND TO HUMAN RESOURCES AS STATED ON FORM.
Or Send it as an attachment to the site’s office manager.
Or you can print out the form, fill it out, and give a hard copy to your Office Manager.