AI Literacy

March 28th, 2025 is National AI Literacy Day!
March 28th, 2025 is National AI Literacy Day!![]()
March 28th, 2025 is National AI Literacy Day!
On Friday, March 28th, 2025, we invite students, parents, educators, and our community members to examine how AI is shaping our world. This event offers a fun, collaborative way to provide valuable classroom lessons and experiences centered around AI! To get started, just choose one of the grab-n'-go resources from below!
Lower ELementary Resources
Lower ELementary Resources![]()
Lower ELementary Resources
- What is AI? presentation
- Whole class activity idea: Use generative AI to animate a character from audio in Adobe Express
- Whole class activity idea: Use generative AI to create a song about your class or lesson topic using Suno (Watch this video to learn more about using Suno).
- Family activity idea: Build your own AI robot
Upper ELementary Resources
Upper ELementary Resources![]()
Upper ELementary Resources
- What is AI? presentation
- Activity idea: Use generative AI to create your alter ego in Adobe Express
- Activity idea: Use generative AI to create your own character in Adobe Express
- Activity idea: Teach a computer how to draw using the Quick, Draw! website
- Family activity idea: Build your own AI robot
Middle School Resources
Middle School Resources![]()
Middle School Resources
- What is AI? presentation
- Artificial Intelligence and Ethics Debate presentation
- Activity idea: Play AI games from Google Arts and Culture
- Activity idea: Use generative AI to make yourself into an action figure in Adobe Express
- Activity idea: Use generative AI to make a creative self portrait in Adobe Express
Special Opportunity for Middle School Students:
Participate in PVUSD's design challenge where students can earn a prize for creating a PSA about AI Literacy. Check out this website to learn more!
High School Resources
High School Resources![]()
High School Resources
- Understanding AI in Social Media presentation
- Activity idea: Play AI games from Google Arts and Culture
- Activity idea: Create a time capsule with generative AI in Adobe Express
- Activity idea: Create your own geometry garden with generative AI in Adobe Express
Special Opportunity for High School Students:
Participate in PVUSD's design challenge where students can earn a prize for creating a PSA about AI Literacy. Check out this website to learn more!
Additional Resources
Additional Resources![]()
Additional Resources
Participate in special webinars and events designed specifically for educators to expand your knowledge and skills in AI.
Lesson PlansAccess ready-to-use lesson plans tailored for all grade levels to help students understand the fundamental question, "What is AI?"
Header image created with Adobe Express' AI Image Generator, 2025. Prompt: "Humans and robots together with lightbulbs, brain, and computers in the background."