Developer Fees
The Construction Office is accepting Developer Fee payments between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Construction and Planning is located at 205 Blackburn St., Watsonville, (831) 786-2380.
The following set of links below will provide you with material and information regarding school developer fees. Developer fees are necessary to maintain current levels of educational services in the district and to accommodate growth due to development within the boundaries of the district.
This first set of links is information in regards to:
- Brochure - Developer Fees Rates 2022-2023.pdf
- California Government Code Section 65995 - School Developer Fees
- California Education Code - Sections 17620 through 17626
- 2022 School Facilities Needs Analysis Level 2.pdf
- 2020 Justification Study Level 1.pdf
- Resolution 20-21-37 Level 1 Fees.pdf
- Resolution 21-21-07 Level 2 Fees.pdf
These next links will cover the Pajaro Valley Unified School District's requirement to report on the amount of developer fees collected each fiscal year and the manner in which they were spent.