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Gifted and Talented Education

Gifted And talented Education (GATE)

Gifted And talented Education (GATE)


To identify Gifted and Talented students, including those from diverse racial, socioeconomic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds, and provide high-quality differentiated opportunities for learning that meet students' unique abilities and talents.


Teachers of gifted/talented students differentiate the core curriculum through various means, including flexible groupings, acceleration of content, inquiry projects, interest centers, learning centers, compacting in student’s area of strength, adjusting questions, honors and advanced placement courses, and use of above grade-level resources. Schools provide a more rigorous standard providing differentiation, rather than “One-Size-Fits-All” instruction as an integral part of the regular school day.
Different Icons in a grid

Depth and Complexity Tools and Resources

Identification Process

PVUSD has adopted a plan for Gifted and Talented Education (GATE), which includes District policies and procedures for identifying gifted learners in a variety of categories including but not limited to: Intellectual Ability, High Achievement, Specific Academic Ability, Visual and Performing Arts and Creative Ability.

Math enrichment

SVMI Math Performance tasks and problems of the month
Click here for Math Enrichment resources for GATE and advanced learners.

Additional GATE Resources

Resources for Parent/Teacher Support:
Sample Daily Instructional Schedules and Resources (all grades;
can be used at home or with Google Hangout, Zoom or Skype
Common Sense Media (all grades)
Expert reviews, objective advice, and helpful tools for media
and technology use
Thinking Skills (Grades 3-6)
Thinking skills activities including logic puzzles and math brainteasers
Resources for GATE Teaching and Learning
Byrdseed (K-12)
Resource for teachers of GATE students to encourage curiosity, critical thinking, and social-emotional
Gifted Guru (K-12)
Ideas for learning with or without screens
Google Arts and Culture: Virtual Museum Tours (K-12)
Virtual tours of museums and locations throughout the world
Mensa for Kids (K-12)
Hand-selected lessons and activities for learning at home
Gifted and talented in action

Gifted and talented in action

X-Academy Math Circle at Cabrillo College

Fractal Art Design
Visiting Mathematician
Students Working on Math Problem
Advance High School Student Leading Math Circle

Coordinator Gifted and Talented Education and Visual and Performing Art
(831)786-2100 ext. 2580

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