PVUSD Expanded Learning qualified proposals

PVUSD Expanded Learning qualified proposals

PVUSD Expanded Learning qualified proposals

PVUSD Expanded Learning qualified proposals

Partnership proposal process dashboard

Partnership proposal process dashboard

PVUSD is connecting with community partners at the district level through our new system. We hope to increase communication and cohesion with our community partners, and uplift the outcomes of Expanded Learning. Through partnership with community based organizations and individuals, we can leverage our collective resources to provide more services to students and families. We are thrilled to share our new partnership proposal process. This is a qualifying RFP process, it is NOT a competitive process. We in PVUSD believe this is a best practice of fiscal solvency and are eager to begin reviewing RFP's as they are received. We encourage partners and organizations of all sizes to apply to work within our programs. 
Link to our PDF
Step 1:
Link to RFP google application
Step 2:
LInk to independent contractor agreement for non-construction services 
Questions emailed to RFPexpandedlearning@pvusd.net will be posted and responded here(live document) This will be updated regularly. Final revisions will be posted on July 3, 2024 6:00PM PST
PVUSD Volunteers: Volunteer Application
Volunteers (individuals) California state law requires a background check and a negative Tuberculosis test before allowing volunteers to have routine contact with students. Background checks are required for all employees, athletic coaches, field trip drivers/chaperones, interns, student teachers and community organizations. Please complete the volunteer application with the link below. The application will be routed to the appropriate school or department for approval. PVUSD offers free tuberculosis testing for volunteers. Please obtain a tuberculosis test voucher from the school site or department. Please select D.O. Expanded Learning as school site where volunteer work will be performed. Inlcude grade levels of students you propse to be working with 
Business Vendors
Link to Buisness Services
RFP Timeline
For questions email: