Expanded Learning After School Program serve students in grades 2nd-12th grade. Our program runs directly after school until 6:00 pm. A child may be released early from the after school program prior to the end of the program time at 6:00 pm based upon the PVUSD ASP Early Release Policy
Please see the after school office at your child's school for further information.
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Check on your student's progress in reading
AR HomeConnect ![]() |
Discover and develop your students mathematical
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After School Program Early Release Policy
After School Program Early Release Policy![]()
After School Program Early Release Policy
A child may be released early from the after school program prior to the end of program time at 6:00 p.m. based on the following conditions:
- Attending a parallel program (programs in the school or community centers such as soccer, basketball, etc.) as long as an agreement or partnership with the program exists thus making this parallel program the child’s enrichment component
- Family Emergencies (such as death in the family, catastrophic incidents, etc.)
- Medical appointments
- Weather conditions (especially if the child walks home)
- Child accidents or discipline that occur during program time (program staff should call parent or guardian)
- Safe Transportation
POLIZA DE SALIDA TEMPRANA - Programa después de clases
Un alumno puede salir del programa después de clases antes de que se termine a las 6:00 por las siguientes razones:
- Están asistiendo a un programa paralelo (programas en la escuela o centros comunitarios como fútbol, básquetbol, etc.) siempre y cuando exista un acuerdo u asociación con el programa haciendo este programa el componente de enriquecimiento
- Emergencias Familiares (como muerte en la familia, incidentes catastróficos, etc.)
- Citas médicas
- Condiciones del tiempo (especialmente si el alumno camina a casa)
- Accidentes o disciplina que ocurren durante las horas del programa (personal del programa deben llamar a padre/ guardián)
- Transporte segura
A copy of this Early Release Policy is available in your afterschool office
Una copia de esta Póliza de Salida Temprana está disponible en la oficina del programa de después de escuela

Wednesday After school reading buddies 5th graders helping 2nd graders.