TEACH Project
The TEACH project Supports programming that reflect the Learning in Afterschool & Summer Principles;
Learning that is Active Learning that Supports Mastery Learning that is Collaborative Learning that is Meaningful Learning that Expands Horizons
For more information these principles, visit www.learninginafterschool.org

The Teach Project is a community service-learning program that aims to provide high school students with their first jobs in an intensive teacher-training model. High school students are provided an invaluable window into the experience of teaching as a career, with training and direction from adult expert mentors. After completing their training, the student teachers deliver content area instruction to elementary and middle school youth during the after school hours. The activities are based on a variety of standards-aligned content and Common Core. This impactful opportunity provides high school youth not only with the confidence and excitement of a paid job but, creates a collaborative bonding experience for elementary & middle school students who are delight to have high school role models and to have the opportunity to grow and learn together.
The Teach Project dimensions are to learn, teach, and engage. High School students learn, leadership and content area skills in art, music, science, ecology, techology or fitness. High school student learn the skills to teach, the content to elementary and middle school students. Elementary and Middle School students engage in enrichment activities.
Watsonville TEC
Watsonville TEC![]()
Watsonville TEC
Watsonville Tecnologia, Educacion, Comunidad (TEC) is using technology to transform learning, motive communities, and inspire innovative thinking. TEC's goal is to provide the technology skills and supports necessary to encourage students to pursue higher education adn careers in technology. TEC's Tech Teach program users a multigenerational approach where trained high school students (near-peers) facilitate a weekly afterschool class where they provide instruction and role modeling to 5th grade students. In Tech Teach, students learn about computer science and social justice principles and develop technology projects that address a social justice issue in their community. The program increase the interest and ability of 5th grade and high school near-peers to use computing for social good"