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Mental Health Clinicians

Social emotional services

Social emotional services

The PVUSD Child Development Department offers social emotional services to children enrolled in the State Preschool Programs and Family Child Care Home Network. Mental Health Clinicians work in partnership with teachers, childcare providers, and families to effectively support the social and emotional development of our students.
MENTAL HEALTH clinician activities

MENTAL HEALTH clinician activities

  • Provide information on social and emotional development
  • Coordinate Ages and Stages (ASQ) developmental screenings
  • Conduct behavioral observations
  • Coach staff and parents on effective behavioral strategies
  • Support behavioral plans
  • Link families to additional community resources
Our Clinician

Our Clinician

Brenda Renteria is a bilingual Spanish and English licensed marriage, family and child therapist with ten years experience working as a mental health clinician with children under the age of six. Brenda is endorsed as an Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist by the California Center for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health. Brenda works with children, families, and providers in the Family Child Care Home Network and the Infant Development Center at Watsonville High School.
Contact Brenda at (831) 786-8270 ext. 2982 or via email