Network Accounts Portal
All PVUSD employees receive a network/Exchange Email account. If you do not have an account first fill out the paperwork with HR and they will submit to the Technology Services Dept.
These services are only available on the PVUSD network, so you must be connected to PVUSD Wifi to access the links below. If you are not on the PVUSD Wifi, you will instead need to call the help desk at 831-786-TECH and provide your employee ID number for identity verification.
Self Service Portal: Use this to request changes to your account, if you forgot your password, or to reset your password.
- Follow these instructions to complete account changes using the link above. You can only access this link if you are connected to PVUSD WiFi. For name changes, contact HR at 831-786-2145.
The Password Reset page can be used to change your password when connected to PVUSD Wifi. If you are not on the PVUSD Wifi, you will instead need to call the help desk at 831-786-TECH and provide your employee ID number for identity verification.
Password requirements:
- Your new password must be at least 8 characters long.
- It must include at least 3 of the following: capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, or special characters (for example, !@#$%^).
- Your new password can not be one of your last three passwords.
Only Site Technicians, Liaisons, Office Managers, and HR personnel have Accounts Portal access to help reset passwords for staff and students. This is only available on the PVUSD network. Please follow the instructions below when using the Accounts Management Portal: