- Departments
- Business Services
- Accounting
- Benefits
- Finance & Budget
- Food & Nutrition
- Maintenance Operations and Facilities
- Payroll
- Purchasing
- Risk & Safety Management
- Technology
- ADA Compliance Resources
- CS Ed Week
- Cybersecurity
- Digital Learning Resources
- Directory
- Forms & Procedures
- Instructional Technology
- Low Cost Internet Options
- Network Accounts Portal
- ParentSquare Communication
- Product Standards
- Synergy
- Tech 4 Admin
- Take Home Chromebook Information
- Tech Innovator Network
- Tech Support
- Transportation
- Educational Services
- Adult Education
- Assessment and Accountability
- Child Development
- Community Services
- Educational Services
- Educational Services Division
- Common Core
- Comprehensive Accountability Framework
- Contact Us
- Curriculum and Innovation Coaches
- English Language Development
- Ethnic Studies
- History/Social Science
- Language Arts/Literacy
- Master Plan for English Learner Success
- Mathematics
- PD Registration- Kickup
- Physical Education
- SARC Reports
- Science
- Seal of Biliteracy
- Textbooks
- (VAPA) Visual and Performing Arts
- Black History Month
- Indigenous Peoples' Day
- Expanded Learning
- Elementary Education
- Expanded Learning
- Migrant Education
- Migrant and Seasonal Head Start
- Secondary Education
- Special Services
- State & Federal Programs
- English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
- English Learner & Biliteracy Instructional Models
- Forms
- Master Plan for English Learner Success
- School Site Council
- School Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA)
- Seal of Biliteracy
- Time Accounting
- Title 1
- District Advisory Committee (DAC)
- District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
- Student Services
- Child Welfare and Attendance
- Community Schools
- Counseling Department
- District Office Contacts
- Enrollment
- Family Engagement and Wellness Center
- Foster Youth
- Healthy Start Program
- LGBTQ History Month
- LGBTQ Students
- Socio-Emotional Counselors
- Social Emotional Resources/ Recursos Socioemocionales
- Student Services Forms
- Student Services Resources
- Students In Transition
- TK/ Kinder Enrollment
- Human Resources
- Business Services
Parent Education
- The mission of our Parent Advocacy component is to support parents to understand their rights and become their child’s best advocate while creating a positive communication with school personnel. Parents are offered educational presentations and institutes that provide them with the tools to better support their children education.
- The themes are related but not limited to academic guidance, orientation to school, and community resources. These topics provide our community the opportunity of achieving self-empowerment by gaining awareness, developing skills, and accessing community resources to address the issues affecting the Migrant population.
- During the course of the year, parents also have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills. They are invited and encouraged to attend the District Migrant Parent Advisory Council Meetings, the State of California's Migrant Parent Conference and the National Migrant Parent Conference.
- La misión de nuestro Componente de Padres es apoyar a los padres a entender sus derechos y convertirse en el mejor defensor de su hijo mientras se crea una comunicación positiva con el personal escolar. Se les brindan presentaciones e institutos educativos que les proporcionan las herramientas necesarias para apoyar y mejorar la su educación de los sus hijos.
- Los temas están relacionados, pero no limitado a la orientación académica, orientación a la escuela, y recursos disponibles en la comunidad. Estos temas proporcionan a nuestra comunidad la oportunidad de lograr una auto realización mediante la obtención de conocimientos y el desarrollo de habilidades a través del acceso a recursos de la comunidad para hacer frente a los problemas que afectan a la población migrante.
- Durante el transcurso del año, los padres también tienen la oportunidad de desarrollar sus habilidades de liderazgo. Se le motiva e invita a asistir a las reuniones del Concilio Consejero Regional de Padres Migrantes, la Conferencia del Estado de Padres Migrantes de California y la Conferencia Nacional de Padres Migrantes.
PAC OFFICER 2020-2022
PAC OFFICER 2020-2022
PAC OFFICER 2020-2022
Alvaro Reyes, Presidente
Vacante-- Vice-Presidente
Aarón Garcia, Secretario
Angelica Elvira Ortigosa, Vocal
Ivette Altamirano, Tesorera
Arnulfo Merino, Oficial del Orden
Carolina Blanco, Representante Regional